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Meet Roland Kulla

Today we’d like to introduce you to Roland Kulla.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
My path to art has not been a direct one. I spent 10 years in the seminary before making a lateral transfer to social work, where I spent 35 years. But I have always been involved with art. I drew as a child and learned watercolor painting in college. I also designed sets and costumes for local productions and sang as well.

I was in the Grant Park Chorus for 10 seasons. In 1989 the University of Chicago offered 10 oil painting lessons to alumni. I had always been intimidated by oils, so I took the class. I began to focus more on my talent for painting. The 90’s were a decade of exploration – trying different styles and learning new media. In the late 90’s I began to explore a fascination with bridge structures as a primary subject matter. In 2000 I received the first of three residencies at the Ragdale Foundation, experiences which really helped focus my artistic life. For almost two decades I have been painting full time and have been fortunate to find gallery representation in Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh and Berlin – all “bridge cities”. I’ve completed almost 300 paintings of bridge structures.

Please tell us about your art.
I’ve always been attracted to the built environment. Bridges are a great subject. Each one is specially engineered to solve the problem of how to get across the void. While usually not designed to be beautiful, I find beauty in the patterns and rhythm of the structural elements. I like dynamic compositions. I usually take 20 to 30 photographs to find one that I like. Then I paint it as realistically as possible. I call my approach “abstract realism”.

We often hear from artists that being an artist can be lonely. Any advice for those looking to connect with other artists?
My experience at Ragdale prompted me to find studio space that I shared with other artists. I also became involved with the Chicago Artists Coalition and their monthly art shares. For several years I was a member of the Fine Arts Building Gallery, an artists’ cooperative gallery. In addition to the gallery members, we also showed work of other local artists. I did a residency at Oxbow in Saugutuck, MI and three residencies at Ragdale in addition to serving on their board for 10+ years, representing the interests of artists. Finally, it is important to show up for openings and other celebrations of artists work.

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
Zia Gallery
548 Chestnut St.
Winnetka, IL

George Billis Gallery
525 W. 26th St.
New York, NY

James Gallery
413 S. Main St.
Pittsburgh, PA

Contact Info:

  • Address: 4522 S. McDowell Ave.
    Chicago, IL 60609
  • Website:
  • Phone: 773 497 2549
  • Email:

Image Credit:
Tom Van Endye

Getting in touch: VoyageChicago is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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