Today we’d like to introduce you to Casey Schmidt.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Casey. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
It all started for me when I was a kid. I lost my dad, who was definitely my best friend and my hero the first day of my freshman year of high school. He was only 45 years old and went from being a happy, healthy active dad to dying of cancer just 13 weeks after being diagnosed. It was devastating, my heart was truly broken. My world just stood still in sadness for a while.
Very sadly our family was hit with another horrible tragedy just 3 years later when my dad’s only brother was diagnosed with cancer at 45 as well. He fought a bit longer but unfortunately he was also taken from us way too young. These experiences were incredibly painful to say the least. However they also shaped the person I am today. It definitely fueled my purpose and my passion for living life to the fullest.
I truly do not take one day for granted, I know how incredibly fragile and short life can be. I remember my dad saying, “it doesn’t matter whether you live to be 45 or 85, the difference is the blink of an eye, what matters is how you live your life.” Any day I don’t get a phone call that someone I love is sick or has been in an accident, is a pretty darn good day in my book!
With all that being shared when I went to college at DePaul University in Chicago. I became enthralled with learning everything I could about how amazing the body is at healing itself…I loved learning all the ways we can help our body to perform at its best and just how powerful our bodies can be at healing itself, if we are good to them. We only get one chance, one body to live in, so we have to treat it right. I believe in the power and importance of eating real foods, getting good sleep, moving your body, meditating, thinking positively and using safe skincare.
Our body is the largest organ we have, it can absorb up to 80% of whatever we put on it directly into our bloodstream in the first 60 seconds…and did you know1938 is the last time the US has placed a law regulating what is allowed in our skincare products? Big problem there…you just have to be your own advocate. Which is why I teamed up and became a consultant for Beautycounter, I needed to share my voice in this movement. Beautycounter is a mission-based company, that is all about truth and transparency. We are a company that believes all people deserve to know what’s in their products.
I believe these products are the cleanest, safest, most high performing products you can buy. From Baby to Anti-Aging Skincare they’ve got you covered.
However Beautycounter is so much more than a makeup company – we are a movement, fighting legislation for change and paving a new safe path for our children. We are making serious change but we do need more voices.
Knowledge is power, when you know better – you do better. I firmly believe what we put on our skin every single day has a huge impact on our health.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No, I have definitely struggled with the stigma I had of direct sales and fears and concerns of what others around me would think. I’ve had to work through my own insecurities and practice putting myself out there in the hopes of educating women. I’m human and the reality of failure and rejection hurts. However I’m a teacher by trade and I feel so passionate about educating women about the importance of using safer skincare.
I could have never for seen all the beautiful things that have come my way from getting out of my comfort zone. I’m a better stronger woman and mother for taking this job and showing my daughter’s the value in allowing yourself to be uncomfortable for something you strongly believe in. My business is about so much more than selling a lipstick to someone. I teach women daily how to take better care of themselves, their family and how to feel healthy, confident and beautiful in their own skin. It’s a gift and my greatest passion to share the importance of having a healthy positive mindset.
Please tell us more about your work, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I am a Psychology of Eating Health & Happiness Coach – A.K.A. The Anti-Diet Guru that genuinely loves to teach and inspire women to love themselves in the body they are in right now. Whether it’s makeup tips & tricks, creative cooking ideas, relationship work or helping to heal digestion and food issues, I have a holistic approach that starts with loving yourself as you are.
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
In my personal and professional life, I draw the most on my Confidence, Kindness, and Compassion for all people and all their different experiences. We all have a story to share and something to learn from others.
Contact Info:
- Phone:(847) 334-3073
- Instagram:cupofcasey
- Facebook:Casey Schmidt
- Website: – coming very soon
Image Credit:
Canva, pinterest
Getting in touch: VoyageChicago is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.